Telephone: 01732 463245
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Mon to Fri 07:30-17:00
Sat 07:30-12:30

  • Treated Decking Joists

    Treated Decking Joists   |  

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Treated Decking Joists

Treated Decking Joists

Deck Joists, lengths from 3m to 6m.
47 x 150 mm
47 x 175 mm

For complete decking projects needing components from our full range of decking build materials or just a build job that needs some solid timber that will withstand the weather.

CALL US ON 01732 463245

Where to find us

Find us:

Gaza Trading Estate, Scabharbour Rd, Hildenborough,
Near Tonbridge, Kent TN11 8PL

Opening hours:

Mon - Friday: 07:30 - 17:00

Saturday: 7:30 - 12:30

Sunday & Bank Holidays: CLOSED

Your local merchant:

Gaza Timber's large premises with extensive shop and free parking are within easy access of Paddock Wood, Edenbridge, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells - we're just 5 minutes from the A21 at Weald/Hildenborough.

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