Telephone: 01732 463245
Speak to a real person:
Mon to Fri 07:30-17:00
Sat 07:30-12:30

  • Trucks 2020

    Delivery   |  

    quick & efficient delivery *including saturday am

    quick & efficient delivery *including saturday am

01732 463245    SHARE WITH     


We deliver to: Kent, Sussex & South London

  • For jobs where access is a bit of a squeeze we’ve got a 3.5 tonne truck.

  • Medium sized deliveries 4.5 tonne Ford Transit.

  • We can now offer small loads of tipped agregate, delivered to you on our Ford Transit Tipper.

  • TWO British-made Leyland DAF HGV trucks equipped with rear mounted HIAB cranes supplied by Channel Commercials of Ashford.

Delivery: Monday – Friday & Saturday mornings.


Depending on our workload we can offer a next day service, alternatively orders can be delivered on your chosen day, call us on the morning of your delivery and we’ll be able to give you an approximate delivery time.

Carriage paid deliveries are subject to a minimum spend but don’t worry it’s not too much – it simply depends on the size of order and where you live, call us on 01732 440874 or email us for more info.

CALL US ON 01732 463245

Where to find us

Find us:

Gaza Trading Estate, Scabharbour Rd, Hildenborough,
Near Tonbridge, Kent TN11 8PL

Opening hours:

Mon - Friday: 07:30 - 17:00

Saturday: 7:30 - 12:30

Sunday & Bank Holidays: CLOSED

Your local merchant:

Gaza Timber's large premises with extensive shop and free parking are within easy access of Paddock Wood, Edenbridge, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells - we're just 5 minutes from the A21 at Weald/Hildenborough.

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