Telephone: 01732 463245
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Mon to Fri 07:30-17:00
Sat 07:30-12:30

  • Gazastock

    Gazastock   |  

    In 2001 we staged what was to be a one-off music festival. Fifteen years later and Gazastock had become one of the best local events of the year.

    In 2001 we staged what was to be a one-off music festival. Fifteen years later and Gazastock had become one of the best local events of the year.

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Held in an idyllic rural setting on the Gaza Estate between Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Gazastock has raised over £200,000 for Hospice in the Weald, the festival’s chosen charity and the organisation that cared for John Gaster, the much loved and sorely-missed local musician to whose memory Gazastock is dedicated. Since 2012 the Gazastock has also been supporting the Pickering Cancer Centre in Tunbridge Wells.

The performers, all of whom give of their time and talents for free, are drawn principally from the local area. Pub-band stalwarts and hoary old session players line-up alongside emerging young original talent striving to make their name on the UK music scene.

The growing band of performers has now been joined by a growing band of commercial traders who, together with the many food and drink operators, support the overall fund-raising effort, both financially and materially.

Among the leading corporate supporters are Gaza Timber, the festival’s founding host and principal benefactor, support also comes in the form of donated products, especially music-related, for the charity auction that takes place on the main stages during the festival. Gazastock also raises funds through the sale of branded promotional merchandise, including souvenir programmes, T-shirts,  and car stickers.

The festival is currently taking a well earned break.

For more information about Gazastock please contact:

Gazastock Festival Office, Gaza Timber, The Gaza Trading Estate, Scabharbour Rd, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 8PL Tel. 01732 463245 (business hours).

CALL US ON 01732 463245

Where to find us

Find us:

Gaza Trading Estate, Scabharbour Rd, Hildenborough,
Near Tonbridge, Kent TN11 8PL

Opening hours:

Mon - Friday: 07:30 - 17:00

Saturday: 7:30 - 12:30

Sunday & Bank Holidays: CLOSED

Your local merchant:

Gaza Timber's large premises with extensive shop and free parking are within easy access of Paddock Wood, Edenbridge, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells - we're just 5 minutes from the A21 at Weald/Hildenborough.

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